Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was born on July 24, 1783 in Caracas Venezuela. He was the son of don Juan Vicente Bolívar y Ponte and doña Maria de la Concepción Palacios y Blanco. Simon was born into a wealthy family, and received a good education. His parenets died when Simon was 9 years old. After their death he was put in the care of his uncle and was sent to Spain to further his education and learned the ideas of the enlightment thinkers. In Spain he meet don Juan Vicente Bolívar y Ponte and doña Maria de la Concepción Palacios y Blanco and married in 1802. She died 3 years later and Simon promised never to marry again.

Soon later he formed little army's to fight for Venezuela's indepences but July 24 had to flee to Colombia. August he recaptured Caracas and
proclaimed the second Venezuelan republic. He later had to flee again to Jamaica to rest and reform his army which was reduced from the fight. The Battle of Boyaca of August 7, 1819 ended in Simon having power over Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador and all elected Simon Bolivar to be the first President like George Washington both lead their Revolutions and became Presidents after

Monday, October 5, 2009

John Locke And The Enlightenment

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The Declaration of Independence states that if the a governess is too fail at pleasing the people they are governing they have the right to abolish it and place a new one that is better. That every person have the right of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, John lock also came up with these ideas for a goverment. That the people rule them selfs and not the government rule them. Every person has one vote to pick who they want to run the country. The government is separated into 3 parts Legislative branch, Executive branch, and the Judaical branch. All three are connected together, one branch is not more powerful than another. For a law to pass it has to pass through all 3. John came up with this beacuse he liked how the English had a Prime Minster, Parliament, and a judicial branch. When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Decoration of Independence he must of heared of the enlightenment thinkers and read about them before writing it. The funny think about it is that one of the greatest influential government ever was influenced by some toughs made up from a different person who doesn't really get the credit for it.