Thursday, September 17, 2009

Evolution Vs. Creation

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The theory of Evolution was created by Charles Darwin in the 1800's. He wrote a book in 1859 on his theory of Evolution called On the Origin of Species. His book express his thoughts on all humans being animals and how everything evolved from an ancestor. Charles Darwin wasn't the first person to come up with this theory of Evolution but he became famous by it cause, he was the first to write a book and have hard evidence to prove it. The only problem with the theory of Evolution is that if everything evolved from one animal, which got more complex over a long period of time then which was what is the animal?

The Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe in the old testament which is the belief that God created the first man in his image. Its written that it took God 7 days to make the earth. And after he made the earth he took clay and shaped in to a man who was Adam. And put Adam in the Garden of Eden to watch over it. He was able to eat from any tree in the garden but the Tree of Knowledge. Later God made Eve because Adam was getting lonely, and were punished for eating from the Tree of Knowledge.

I myself believe in Creation because i was raised believing about God and the stories in the bible. And the stories may seem unbelievable but religion is based on faith if you don't have faith then how can you have faith in general. And if you really do think about it, it does make scene that we all came from Adam and Eve cause they were the two most perfect beings on the planet, and we all got dumber throughout the year cause some of us rape, kill, steal, hurt, and more isn't that dumb.

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