Thursday, December 10, 2009

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

In the movie "Moutains of the Moon" it displays many of the problems englishmen had to face while trying to discover the Nile River. Many tried to find the source by going from the end of the river to the source but were eaten up my the deserts that surrounded it. In the movie the 2 explores try walking at random in hoping they would bump into it. While traveling they had many of their helpers run away with the gear they brought cause they would be able to sell it and make alot of money. Another problem was the disease they would get off the Moskito, Englishmen didn't have a immunity to it and died. Also seeing near by tribes who have never seen a white man before.
It funny that the source of the Nile is called Lake Victoria after a dead white queen because she didn't discover it. Its been discovered along time a go by the native people who already named it. England was finally able to conquer Africa because they invented the vaccine for malaria that was what was killing them. Another benefit they had was around the time the vaccine was invented they created the machine gun which made it even easier for them to take a village of Africans.

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