Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nelson Mandela and the Aparthied

The Apartheid was a policy of segregation among the black and white people. This policy was established by the British which were controlling South Africa during 1948-1994. This policy stated that whites were superior than everyone else. This forced the whites and the Bantu to separate. The Bantu was any race that was black colored, or Indian(not white). The Bantu people had no rights what so ever meaning they didn't have citizenship and the right to vote, the British had taking everything from them. Many people went against this policy because it unfairness to colored people and because of this the ANC(African National Congress) formed. ANC was a organization formed to fight for the rights of the Bantu people. Nelson Mandela was one of the ANC member that stood out and went against this policy and fought against the British to gain rights. Nelson Mandela was then arrested and put into jail for 26 years.

After Nelson Mandela was released prison he continued his fight for independence in South Africa from the European. Nelson Mandela had all the support from the Bant people after he got out of jail. Nelson used non-violence methods to fight against the Europeans for their independence of South Africa, just like Ghandhi did for India. Nelson then wrote a book called the Long Walk to Freedom, this inspired many people such as writers and helped him get elected in 1991. After his election he continued fighting for the independence of South Africa. By 1994 South Africa received their Independence from the British.

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