Thursday, December 10, 2009

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

In the movie "Moutains of the Moon" it displays many of the problems englishmen had to face while trying to discover the Nile River. Many tried to find the source by going from the end of the river to the source but were eaten up my the deserts that surrounded it. In the movie the 2 explores try walking at random in hoping they would bump into it. While traveling they had many of their helpers run away with the gear they brought cause they would be able to sell it and make alot of money. Another problem was the disease they would get off the Moskito, Englishmen didn't have a immunity to it and died. Also seeing near by tribes who have never seen a white man before.
It funny that the source of the Nile is called Lake Victoria after a dead white queen because she didn't discover it. Its been discovered along time a go by the native people who already named it. England was finally able to conquer Africa because they invented the vaccine for malaria that was what was killing them. Another benefit they had was around the time the vaccine was invented they created the machine gun which made it even easier for them to take a village of Africans.

Imperialism Project

We did the Imperialism Project so we could understand better how the world was becomeing imperialist. I noticed that England conquered many countries to get their goods because they were the first to start the industrial revolution and you need many goods. It took England about 20 years to really conquer most of Africa because of it disease they weren't able to go in. Germany, Portugal, Belgium, and France. Spain had some land but they really didn't need it cause they had Central and south America.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx was an German philosopher who created the idea of Communism. He didn't believe in the idea of the industrialization so he came up with communism. In the a communist country they share the wealth, by that meaning everyone gets paid the same amount no matter what your job is. Karl Marx believed that if communism would take over the world and it would filled with prosperity. Karl Marx believe that the bourgeoisie (factory owner) were evil and the workers were the good ones being used by the bourgeoisie to get richer and leave the workers poorer. he wanted them to stand up and take over the bourgeoisie and spread the wealth. But Karl Marxs idea of Communism didn't work because in real life everyone is greed and wants more then others.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx was a Jewish German who converted to Christianity. Karl was born in Trier, his dad forced the family to become Christian so Karl could get a job because they were poor. He was the man who created the government system, Communism. Communism is a form of government that spreads the wealth and everyone gets the same about. These ideas then evolved into communism and it only sounded good on paper because everyone is even but in real life everyone's greedy. Karl developed the form of government Communism using the idea of Utopia. He was totally against the Industrial Revolution because the rich would get richer and the poor would get poorer. He was also sick and tired of the way workers we get treated and how they would use children in the factory when the concision were so dangerous. He wanted the people in the factories to rebel and take over the factory. After he died, he ideas and ways were known as Marxism. His ideas influenced a lot of people and even influence nations. the first nation that used Marxism was Russia and these form of government failed after 70 years because they were tired of only having one choice and seeing Americans on the TV with so many options to pick from. . So because of the Industrial Revolution Marxism became very popular with nations like China and Russia. Communism still is a from of government in some countries.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

Nationalism is everywhere and are expressed in different ways.Nationalism is when people take pride in their country or nationality. What makes a country nationalist is when they all speak a similar language or share common customs or religion. Nationalism can be as simple as having same currency of money. Another way nationalism can be shown is the type of food the people eat and their nations anthem.

Italy is a nation and was formed by nationalism. Before Italy became a country it was first ruled by Austria. In the early and middle years of the 1800's Italians started to disobey the rule of the Australians, and they though that they should be loyal to the ruler. Some revolts broke out, and some failed. A man named Cavour helped unite Italy. Because of Cavour they won several battles, and he also helped nationalistic rebels win. He was able to drive Austrian forces away in order to take over territory and gain power. Cavour was an important person in history for uniting the nation of Italy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was born on July 24, 1783 in Caracas Venezuela. He was the son of don Juan Vicente Bolívar y Ponte and doña Maria de la Concepción Palacios y Blanco. Simon was born into a wealthy family, and received a good education. His parenets died when Simon was 9 years old. After their death he was put in the care of his uncle and was sent to Spain to further his education and learned the ideas of the enlightment thinkers. In Spain he meet don Juan Vicente Bolívar y Ponte and doña Maria de la Concepción Palacios y Blanco and married in 1802. She died 3 years later and Simon promised never to marry again.

Soon later he formed little army's to fight for Venezuela's indepences but July 24 had to flee to Colombia. August he recaptured Caracas and
proclaimed the second Venezuelan republic. He later had to flee again to Jamaica to rest and reform his army which was reduced from the fight. The Battle of Boyaca of August 7, 1819 ended in Simon having power over Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador and all elected Simon Bolivar to be the first President like George Washington both lead their Revolutions and became Presidents after

Monday, October 5, 2009

John Locke And The Enlightenment

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The Declaration of Independence states that if the a governess is too fail at pleasing the people they are governing they have the right to abolish it and place a new one that is better. That every person have the right of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, John lock also came up with these ideas for a goverment. That the people rule them selfs and not the government rule them. Every person has one vote to pick who they want to run the country. The government is separated into 3 parts Legislative branch, Executive branch, and the Judaical branch. All three are connected together, one branch is not more powerful than another. For a law to pass it has to pass through all 3. John came up with this beacuse he liked how the English had a Prime Minster, Parliament, and a judicial branch. When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Decoration of Independence he must of heared of the enlightenment thinkers and read about them before writing it. The funny think about it is that one of the greatest influential government ever was influenced by some toughs made up from a different person who doesn't really get the credit for it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Copernicus and the Trial of Galileo

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The Heliocentric theory is that the sun in the center of the universe and all 9 planets surround the sun. This theory was created my scientist during the Scientific Revolution and may were kill for opposing the Christian church. The Christian Church opposed this because they thought that everything has to surround around them HUMAN are the center of everything because God made us. The geocentric theory is that the earth is the center of the universe and everything surrounds around the earth but this was incorrect but people believed in it because no bothered to see if it was right until Nicolas Copernicus proved it wrong.

Trial of Galileo was about a scientist named Galileo Galileo who wrote a book on the teaching of the Heliocentric theory. He had to face trial against the Holy Church and was forced to say he was wrong. But Galileo refused to say he was wrong because he knew he was right and he couldn't live with a lie. In the end he said he was wrong but when he was walking out the court he said I'm still right and was forced to be housed arrest for the rest of his life.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Scientific Revolution

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The Scientific Revolution was when people started to questioning thing and experiment to get answers, instead of listening to what the church says. Scientist would use the Scientific Method to find out problems they wanted to know. Before the Scientific Revolution people would go to the church for answers and what they said what right in reality it wasn't. Most of the thing the church would say was incorrect and scientist came to prove them wrong.The method or procedure they would follow was Hypothesis, Observation, Collect Data, and Inference.

Hypothesis- is a smart guess a scientist had about something they are going to experiment.
Observation- what they notice, things that happen during the experiment.
Collected Data- results found in the experiment.
Inference- explanation for why results came out how they did.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Evolution Vs. Creation

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The theory of Evolution was created by Charles Darwin in the 1800's. He wrote a book in 1859 on his theory of Evolution called On the Origin of Species. His book express his thoughts on all humans being animals and how everything evolved from an ancestor. Charles Darwin wasn't the first person to come up with this theory of Evolution but he became famous by it cause, he was the first to write a book and have hard evidence to prove it. The only problem with the theory of Evolution is that if everything evolved from one animal, which got more complex over a long period of time then which was what is the animal?

The Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe in the old testament which is the belief that God created the first man in his image. Its written that it took God 7 days to make the earth. And after he made the earth he took clay and shaped in to a man who was Adam. And put Adam in the Garden of Eden to watch over it. He was able to eat from any tree in the garden but the Tree of Knowledge. Later God made Eve because Adam was getting lonely, and were punished for eating from the Tree of Knowledge.

I myself believe in Creation because i was raised believing about God and the stories in the bible. And the stories may seem unbelievable but religion is based on faith if you don't have faith then how can you have faith in general. And if you really do think about it, it does make scene that we all came from Adam and Eve cause they were the two most perfect beings on the planet, and we all got dumber throughout the year cause some of us rape, kill, steal, hurt, and more isn't that dumb.